Paywall Tiers

Control your users prompt limits and paywalling.

Setup Paywall TiersCopied!

You can limit how many prompts each of your user recieves by utilizing paywall tiers. These can be accessed in the Paywall Tiers tab of the partner portal.

Set up a new Paywall Tier by adding a tier in the Paywall Tiers section of the partner portal. Give the tier a descriptive name (such as free, pro, premium, plus) which corresponds to the limits you wish to assign to your users (this name will be used for assigning users to this tier later).

Select the time range you want to limit this Tiers users prompts, monthly or daily.

Set the number of prompts you wish these users to have for the above selected timeframe.

Screener Access (Optional): Change this to No to restrict users in this tier from using screener prompts.

CTA Options

When the user reaches their limits a modal will show. The CTA fields control the modal content. Fill out a descriptive Title, Text and Button text to explain to your users why they have been blocked from more prompts.

The button inside the modal will fire a postMessage in the iframe which you can listen to and capture its events to fire custom events in your own application such as redirecting them to a checkout page to upgrade or to their account page.

Example post message event data
{"type": "paywallTierEvent", "tier": "TIER_NAME"}

Assigning a Paywall Tier to a UserCopied!

Once you have created your paywall tiers, you can assign them to users by passing in the userTier object in your authentication token endpoint.

View the docs here for the Generate Token endpoint for authenticating users.

Simply pass in the "userTier": “TIER_NAME” with the other data to this endpoint and the token will authenticate this user within that paywall tier.